Saturday, July 9, 2011

Master Bedroom

When we moved in to this house, our bedroom looked like a dark, dreary chamber of gloom. The picture to the left doesn't really do it justice. The walls were a dark, pinkish tan color, with off-white trim. The wood floors had at some point be painted brown. Dark brown. I can understand painting wood floors, but why brown? It was grim.

Only because we had help from my wonderful mother-in-law, Patty, who was willing to watch the kids, Chris and I were able to spend a couple of days devoted to making our room much brighter and lighter.

We painted the walls a bright aqua color (Chris apparently truly loves me, because he'd have everything in our house plain white if he were choosing), and the ceiling and trim brighter white than it previously was. The best part is that we painted the wood floors white as well, and the room is much brighter, more relaxing, and much less likely to put me in a gloomy mood whenever I'm in there!

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