Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Because I've got tons of time available right now...

...I decided to start a blog. The movers packed up our apartment in Los Angeles yesterday, and we're currently camping out in the empty apartment on air mattresses before heading up to San Jose on Friday. The middle of a move isn't necessarily the best time to take on a new project, but one of my goals is to be better about keeping track of things that are going on with our family (hence a written record), as well as to update family and friends with what is going on in our lives. I'm terrible about baby books (I've lost several), phone calls (I'm self-diagnosed with debilitating phone anxiety), and emailing photos to those who are interested in seeing them (no excuse); a blog should cover all of those bases while allowing me to exist in a comfortable state of seclusion. Also, I always worry about sending people email updates and pictures, because I have these self-conscious visions of people opening their email, moaning in disgust when they see my name, and then marking it as spam. So now you can feel free to read in delight or disgust, or rant about the navel-gazing qualities of blogs in the privacy of your own home. You're welcome.

These last two years in LA have been some of the most challenging, but also a lot of fun. We've made great friends from all over the world, enjoyed the city, had a new baby, and found a church that we really love, all while Chris was in class/working/studying for over 100 hours a week. Do you blame me for wandering around in a state of catatonic exhaustion most of the time (or "blorft", as Tina Fey refers to it in Bossypants)? I'm not going to lie and pretend that I'm not relieved that he's done with school. I also can't pretend I'm not sad to leave LA. It isn't easy knowing that we're about to start all over again in a place that is brand new to our family. Really the thing that is getting me through this move is the knowledge that I'm about to have my very own dedicated parking spot, as well as a beautiful, shiny (non-coin op) washer and dryer right in my very own house. I kid. Maybe.


  1. Joceline, estoy feliz de que te hayas decidido a escribir un blogg!!! De esta manera voy a poder mantenerme al día de la vida de nuestros queridos amigos, los Foley. Quizás así la distancia se sentirá más corta.

    No me cabe duda que tendrás muchos seguidores, tu y tu familia son dignos de un libro!! Especialmente Eleonor!!

    Los extrañaremos mucho!! Sepan que siempre van a contar con sus amigos chilenos que los van a estar esperando con los brazos abiertos en el "extremo del mundo"


    PD: después de 2 años esforzándome con el inglés, es tu turno de traducir, jajaja

  2. I'm delighted that you're doing this! I miss you and hearing about your life, so this is perfect.

  3. Welcome to the blogging world, Joceline! It's fun... and addicting. :)
